About Kate Benzin Art
Am I a born artist?
No. Most definitely not!
In fact, I 'knew' that I had no artistic ability whatsoever. Until this year, I had taken only one brief drawing class at L.A. City College.
So how did I eventually find my way to art?

"There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns." - Edward de Bono

My Studio
Three - the Magic Number
Creativity had to call me three times before I got serious.
In my mid-20s, I took a drawing course at L.A. City College because I felt that something was missing in my life.
That was the first time creativity called out to me. But I didn't follow up for another 30 years.
Yes, in my 50s, I answered the call again - this time with oil paints. An artist friend helped me buy supplies, showed me how to mix colors, and told me to just play with light and dark.
Oil painting was fun, but life got in the way. My job as a tour director kept me on the road most of the year, and that just wasn't conducive to painting. I once again ignored my creative calling for 20 years.
Yes, I'm now in my 70s and answering the call to creativity for real. And I'm absolutely in heaven.
Online Inspiration
Technology has made living overseas much easier than before ATMs and Skype.
But the biggest benefit for my creative side is that I can watch online tutorials from artists who are willing to share their expertise. Some of the videos are free on YouTube, and some I pay for.
And then the icing on the cake is that I post my work on my Facebook page and get encouragement from followers who really spur me on.
Can you believe that the first time I posted a finished painting, someone asked if I would be willing to post the painting in the various stages of progress?
I was horrified. That would be so embarrassing. Paintings invariably go through one or more ugly stages.
But I agreed and sometimes post paintings in various stages.
Everyone's Invited!
Please spread the word about Kate Benzin Art - the more, the merrier.